Getting Started

This page will help you get started with Payzoff. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

This information is intended for the person(s) in your company responsible for implementing and integrating the Payzoff API into your systems. Payzoff integration with any merchant system is accomplished via simple HTTP POST commands. We will confidentially provide you with unique credentials, which will be needed in order to authenticate your company's system with the Payzoff system.

Once your company's system is integrated with Payzoff, the payment process is simplified by using only a simple call.


Payzoff – is a payment gateway, providing you with technical access to different payment methods.

fsp – is a financial solution provider. A licensed legal entity which provides internet acquiring services.

Merchant – is an entity which uses gateway services of Payzoff.

Customer – private individual who makes purchase at the web page of the Merchant.

Payment – operation of transfer funds from Customer to Merchant for the goods sold/services provided.

Transaction – full process of exchanging information and funds during the Payment

WEB Page – Merchant’s selling web page

Checkout Page – secured web page where Customer enters all required information to finalize the Payment

API - application programming interface provided by Payzoff to Merchant

JSON - JSON encoded string ( )

APM – Alternative Payment Method local payment method available in precise region

Payzoff Payment Process

The following is the process used when a Customer completes a purchase using payment method provided by Payzoff. This is asynchronous scheme and available for both APMs and Credit Cards.

  1. The Customer selects preferred payment method on the WEB Page, enters required information and confirms the purchase intentions
  2. Merchant sends Data Request to Payzoff to initiate the payment and receive a unique link to Checkout Page
  3. Merchant redirects the Customer to Checkout Page
  4. Payzoff informs Merchant on Transaction’s status via IPN (Instant Payment notification)

For many payment methods it takes some time for the Customer to finalize the transaction, and Payzoff will inform Merchant on Payment’s status as soon as the Payment will obtain this status.

For outgoing transactions performed by Merchant the process is the following:

  1. Merchant sends Data Request to Payzoff to initiate the payment. (see1.1. General Data Requests)
  2. Payzoff sends response to Merchant informing on a status of the payment (see 2.2. Payzoff response for outgoing transactions)

Whether the Merchant is PCI DSS compliant company and it can process Card’s Data through its own web page for processing cards.

In this case there will be two steps in the payment process:

  1. Merchant collects card data from the Customer, sends Initiating Request to Payzoff and receives response with confirmation that transaction request is valid, and 3DS URL where Customer should be redirected.
  2. Payzoff informs Merchant on Transaction’s status via IPN (Instant Payment notification)

Exchange of information takes place through standard HTTP POST commands. The URL for the POST information for all requests is:

Incoming Transaction

1. Request Data

From: Merchant

To: Payzoff

Depending on payment method, Data request should contain different additional information.

1.1. General Data Requests

The following information is the same for all Data requests regardless of payment method:

Variable Format Description Example value Required
api_key alphanumeric, space & underscore; 32 Payzoff API key, obtained in the member's profile D78CD7DAF172B2F1 B55E19D9DDCE6514 Yes
action alphabetic space & underscore; 1-60 Transaction action payment Yes
amount decimal; 3-20 Transaction amount. 3.64 Yes
currency A-Z; 3 Transaction currency in ISO4217 USD Yes
seller_transaction_id alphanumeric 1-256 Seller's unique transaction_id 123433434 Yes
signature alphanumeric 1-64 md5 hash: api_key + amount + seller_transaction_id + signature_key (signature_key is obtained in the member's profile) cdxbdjnGRv33LkL btc0pN0qqVAM7x mtzzlNXGAwf Yes
description alphanumeric space & underscore; 1-256 Transaction description Payment for legal services according to Public Offer Agreement and Invoice 123433434 Yes
return_url alphanumeric space & underscore; 9-1024 URL where Customer will be redirected from Payzoff if payment was successful1 URL where Customer will be redirected from Payzoff if payment was successful1 Yes
result_url alphanumeric space & underscore; 9-1024 URL where Merchant will get response from the Payzoff. Yes
fail_url alphanumeric space & underscore; 9-1024 URL where Customer will be redirected from Payzoff if payment was unsuccessful. Yes
name alphabetic space & underscore; 9-1024 Payer First and Last name John Doe Yes
method numeric; 1-5 Payment method of the transaction. See Appendix1 for full list of payment methods. Available for the Merchant methods may be found in member area -> API configuration -> Payment Methods tab 1085 Yes
country a-z, 2 Payer's country. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Required if field "method" is not empty gb No
customer_id alphanumeric, 1-50 Unique Customer id that identifies client in your database 4G8751F Yes
transaction_mode numeric, 1 0 - live mode (default) 1 - testing mode. You will be redirected to dummy method 1 No
provider alphanumeric, 2-30 Provider name. If omitted, available or default value will be taken. worldline No
api_version Numeric with dots, 5-11 Version of API is required to obtain up-to-dated functional. Strict mask of 3 integers divided by two dots is applied. 1.7.1 Yes


return_url, result_url, fail_url

You are required to pass this url unless you set it in your profile

1.2. Special Data Requests

The following information is different for payment method specified below:

1. CREDIT CARDS (Merchant’s payment page scheme only)

Variable Format Description Example value Required
card_number numeric, 13-24 Card number of the Customer 4111111111111111 Yes
expiryyear numeric,2 Card expiry date year 22 Yes
expirymonth numeric,2 Card expiry date month 11 Yes
cardholder alphabetic with spaces, 1-64 Name indicated on the card Mr Cardholder Yes
securitycode numeric, 3-4 Secret code on the reverse of the card (CVV, CVC ) 999 Yes


Variable Format Description Example value Required
iban alphanumeric, 10-34 International Bank Account Number (IBAN) provided by the Customer DE91100000000123456789 Yes
bic alphanumeric, 8-11 Bank Identifier Code (BIC) in ISO 9362 DEUTDEFF Yes


Variable Format Description Example value Required
language Alphanumeric & symbols, 1-10 Language selection that displays to Customer during the submission process. Please refer to appendix for list of languages code. en-us Yes


Variable Format Description Example value Required
email lowercase symbols with ‘@’ in the middle Valid email address of the Customer Yes
Iban alphanumeric, 10-34 International Bank Account Number (IBAN) provided by the Customer DE91100000000123456789 Yes
bic alphanumeric, 8-11 Bank Identifier Code (BIC) in ISO 9362 DEUTDEFF Yes

5. P24

Variable Format Description Example value Required
email lowercase symbols with ‘@’ in the middle Valid email address of the Customer Yes


Variable Format Description Example value Required
consumerref Alphanumeric with spec symbols, 1-20 Valid email address of the Customer cust .%,&/+*$ omer Yes


Variable Format Description Example value Required
email lowercase symbols with ‘@’ in the middle Valid email address of the Customer Yes
nationalid numeric Consumer’s national identification (numeric -15 characters, CPF/CPNJ for BR, national/tax id otherwise). Leave empty in MX. 1234567890 Yes
Bic alphanumeric, 10-34; 1-60 Bank Identifier Code (BIC) in ISO 9362 DEUTDEFF Yes
state alphabetic space & underscore; max 64 Customer’s state SP Yes
city alphabetic space & underscore; max 64 Customer’s city San Paolo Yes

Valid Data Request Example:



Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

















" %2Fpayment-redirect%2Fsuccess" ,


", %2Fstatus%2F%3Fgate_id%3D218" ,


" %2Fpayment-redirect%2Ffailed%3Fsess_id" ,












2. Receive response

From: Payzoff

To: Merchant

2.1. Payzoff response for incoming transactions

You will get response in JSON format containing the following:

Variable Format Description Example value Required
status alphabetic, 2-64 Current general transaction status, indicates if request fail or ok ok Yes
response_code numeric, 0-100 Specified status with precise description (see Appendix2). 0 Yes
secret_code alphanumeric, 10-512 Unique transaction code known only to you and Payzoff. Save this value. It will be sent to result_url to verify it is a request from Payzoff. cdxbdjnGRv33LkLbtc0pN0qq VAM7xmtzzlNXGAwf Yes
transaction_id alphanumeric, 1-64 Payzoff transaction ID 8439901933860 Yes
redirect_url alphanumeric, 10-1024 Checkout page URL. Redirect Customer to this URL to continue payment process * For Merchant’s Payment page in Credit Card transactions here Payzoff will send URL Address of the 3dSecure page http:\/\/\/ payment\/confirm\/84399019 33860 Yes


After the Customer is redirected to the Checkout page, he can finalize the payment process.


The merchant's URL page may be coded in any language but must accept parameters using HTTP POST standards and respond using standard format. Register the URL under Profile->Notifications in your Payzoff account or pass it along with a transaction request.

Payzoff Response Example:





,"result": {





"http:\/\/\/payment\/confirm\/ 8439901933860"}


2.2. Payzoff response for outgoing transactions

You will get response in JSON format containing the following:

Variable Format Description Example value Required
Status alphabetic, 2-64 Current general transaction status, indicates if request fail or ok ok Yes
response_code numeric, 0-100 Specified status with precise description (see Appendix2). 0 Yes
secret_code alphanumeric, 10-512 Unique transaction code known only to you and Payzoff. Save this value. It will be sent to result_url to verify it is a request from Payzoff. UcNDTqW4Ul 7DCqsBm40TLRR poDHx7Aru Yes
transaction_id alphanumeric, 1-64 Payzoff transaction ID Payzoff transaction ID Yes
seller_transaction_id alphanumeric 1-256 Seller’s unique transaction ID 38207372
amount decimal, 3-15 Amount of the transaction 4.99
currency A-Z, 3 Transaction currency in ISO4217 USD
transaction_status alphanumeric, 10-1024 Checkout page URL. Redirect Customer to this URL to continue payment process success Yes


If you don’t get result from Payzoff: ok, fail or any other response, consider that pay-out processed successfully and don’t try to repeat the call. Then call API method “get_tx_status” to obtain real transaction status and only when you get response with certain status, process it in your side. On this transaction type you should always call transaction status from our API with method “get_tx_status” and check pay-out status.

2.3. Results POST Message for incoming transactions

From: Payzoff

To: Merchant

To inform the Merchant on final status of the Transaction Payzoff will send a POST request

Payzoff will POST the following information to the result_url:

Variable Format Description Example value
transaction_id alphanumeric, 1-64 Payzoff transaction ID 6164701949740
amount decimal, 3-20 Amount to pay Amount to pay
paid_amount decimal, 3-20 Amount actually paid 1.56
create_date numeric, 10 Transaction create date in UNIX stamp format 1404387194
transaction_status alphabetic, 2-64 Transaction status Success
tran_status_code numeric, 0-100 Specified status with precise description (see Appendix3). 12
secret_code alphanumeric, 32 Unique secret transaction code which is only known to you and Payzoff. You must compare it with your records to make sure that this notification came from Payzoff UcNDTqW4Ul 7DCqsBm40TLRR poDHx7Aru
signature alphanumeric, 32 Payzoff generates signature for each transaction. Thus, you may verify sender source. Concatenate those POST values in following order md5 hash: api_key + amount + transaction_id + secret_code + seller_transaction_id + signature_key (signature_key is obtained in the member's profile) nfiTGXzzgPKv1jy 2Aeoq9PYugZBWaLiI O2vZKJCl
error_msg alphanumeric space & underscore; max 256 Error description provided by FSP unknown

Additional fields can be added to Payzoff response for incoming transactions:

Variable Format Description Example value Condition
card_number numeric, 4 Last four digits of the Customer’s credit card. 1234 For Credit Card method only


We may also send notifications on some events (ex. 3ds failed) via callback. In this case transaction status will be ‘notify’ along with error_msg text.

2.4. Merchant Results POST Response

From: Payzoff

To: Merchant

Merchant should confirm the receipt of the Results POST message by outputting the string “OK” to the output buffer as a response to the Payzoff request, otherwise Payzoff will use another 3 tries to repeatedly sent Results POST Message until it will be obtained. Merchant will be informed using other communication channels if any Results POST Response were missed after all 4 POST Messages sent.

Payout. Original Credit Transaction (OCT)

Original Credit Transaction (OCT), also known as Credit Fund Transfer (CFT) is a method that allows to perform transfer funds from Merchant to Customer credit card.

- OCT amount can be greater than the original payment, if required.

- OCT can be processed before the original payment has been settled into your bank account.

1. Request Data

From: Payzoff

To: Merchant

1.1. General Data Requests

Variable Format Description Example value Required
api_key alphanumeric, space & underscore; 32 Payzoff API key, obtained in the member's profile D98CD7DAF17 2B2F1B55T19D 9DECE6534 Yes
action alphabetic space & underscore; 1-60 Transaction action oct Yes
customer_id alphanumeric, 1-50 Unique Customer id that identifies client in your database 4G8751F Yes
param_type alphabetic; 1-64 OCT can be done using original card transaction details, using updated data or using new card details (ref / upd / new). Check availability of param_type with Payzoff before starting. ref Yes
payzoff_transaction_id alphanumeric, 1-64 Merchant transaction ID Required if param_type=”ref” or “upd” 1234567898 Related
amount decimal; 3-20 Transaction amount. 3.64 Yes
currency alphabetic; 3 Transaction currency in ISO4217 USD Yes
signature alphanumeric, 1-64 md5 api_key + transaction amount + transaction currency + payzoff_transaction_id + signature_key (signature_key is obtained in the member's profile) Pay attention, signature differs from the payment signature! cdxbRjnGRv33 LkLbt30pN0qq VAM7xctzzlLXGAwf Yes

2. OCT Response

OCT Response depends on param_type value Merchant has sent and on particular FSP involved. Though in many cases OCT result is available immediately (see par. IV 2.1.), some FSPs execute OCTs after the cut-off time expired. In this case Payzoff will notify you with oct_status = “call-back will be provided”

2.1. OCT response when transaction is referenced

In case you submitted request with

- param_type=”ref”,

you will get the following response in JSON format:

Variable Format Description Example value
status alphanumeric, space & underscore; 32 Payzoff API response status ok
response_code numeric; 1-60 Payzoff API response status code 0
result Array Array of variables ‘oct_status’, ‘tran_status_code’, ‘transaction_id’ and optional ‘callback’. 12
oct_status alphabetic with space, 1-64 Current status of the OCT start
tran_status_code numeric, 1-10 Transaction status code (See Appendix 3) 12
callback numeric, 1 Callback = 1 if the status of the OCT is “start”, and final status will be sent by Payzoff in POST request (see POST parameters in paragraph IV 2.2. ). In other cases this variable WILL BE OMITED. 1
transaction_id alphanumeric, 1-64 Payzoff transaction ID 1234567898


{ "status":











2.2. OCT response when card details to be updated or provided

In case you submitted request with
- param_type=”upd”, or
- param_type=”new”,
you will get the following response in JSON format:

To provide recipient card details Customer/User should be redirected to the payment page, where all such details will be collected securely. After the OCT will be executed, Payzoff will send a POST request with final OCT status:

Variable Format Description Example value
transaction_id alphanumeric, 1-64 Payzoff transaction ID 571842
oct_status alphabetic, 2-254 OCT transaction status success
tran_status_code numeric,1-10 Transaction status code (See Appendix 3) 12
amount decimal, 3-20 Amount 1.56
currency alphabetic; 3 Transaction currency in ISO4217




, "response_code":









2.3. Merchant OCT results POST Response

From: Merchant

To: Payzoff

Merchant should confirm the receipt of the OCT results POST message by outputting the string “OK” to the output buffer as a response to the Payzoff request, otherwise Payzoff will use another 3 tries to repeatedly sent OCT Results POST Message until it will be received. Merchant will be informed using other communication channels if any Results POST Response were missed after all 4 POST Messages sent.

Bank transfer payouts and payout APMs

Bank transfer payout is a method that allows to perform transfer funds from Merchant to Customer bank account. Depending on currency and region there may be different payment options available.

1. Request Data

From: Merchant

To: Payzoff

1.1. General Data Requests

Variable Format Description Example value Required
api_key alphanumeric, space & underscore; 32 Payzoff API key, obtained in the member's profile D78CD7DAF172B2F1 B55E19D9DDCE6514 Yes
action alphabetic space & underscore; 1-60 Transaction action payment Yes
amount decimal; 3-20 Transaction amount. 3.64 Yes
currency A-Z; 3 Transaction currency in ISO4217 USD Yes
seller_transaction_id alphanumeric 1-256 Seller's unique transaction_id 123433434 Yes
signature alphanumeric 1-64 md5 hash: api_key + amount + seller_transaction_id + signature_key (signature_key is obtained in the member's profile) cdxbdjnGRv33LkL btc0pN0qqVAM7x mtzzlNXGAwf Yes
description alphanumeric space & underscore; 1-256 Transaction description.Will be stored but won’t be sent to processing. Payment for legal services according to Public Offer Agreement and Invoice 123433434 Yes
return_url alphanumeric space & underscore; 9-1024 URL where Customer will be redirected from Payzoff if payment was successful1 URL where Customer will be redirected from Payzoff if payment was successful Yes
result_url alphanumeric space & underscore; 9-1024 URL where Merchant will get response from the Payzoff. Yes
fail_url alphanumeric space & underscore; 9-1024 URL where Customer will be redirected from Payzoff if payment was unsuccessful. Yes
name alphabetic space & underscore; 9-1024 Payer First and Last name John Doe Yes
method numeric; 1-5 Payment method of the transaction. See Appendix1 for full list of payment methods. Available for the Merchant methods may be found in member area -> API configuration -> Payment Methods tab 1085 Yes
country a-z, 2 Payer's country. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Required if field "method" is not empty gb No
customer_id alphanumeric, 1-50 Unique Customer id that identifies client in your database 4G8751F Yes
transaction_mode numeric, 1 0 - live mode (default) 1 - testing mode. You will be redirected to dummy method 1 No
provider alphanumeric, 2-30 Provider name. If omitted, available or default value will be taken. worldline No
api_version Numeric with dots, 5-11 Version of API is required to obtain up-to-dated functional. Strict mask of 3 integers divided by two dots is applied. 1.7.1 Yes

1.2. Special Data Requests

The following information is different for payment method specified below:


Variable Format Description Example value Required
email lowercase symbols with ‘@’ in the middle Valid email address of the Customer Yes
bic alphanumeric, 8-11 Bank Identifier Code (BIC) in ISO 9362 DEUTDEFF Yes
iban alphanumeric, 10-34 International Bank Account Number (IBAN) provided by the Customer DE91100000000123456789 Yes

2. MYR, THB, VND, IDR, PHP Bank Transfers PAYOUTS

Variable Format Format Example value Required
acc_name string, 1-50 Customer account name DepositAccountName Yes
acc_number string, 1-50 Customer account number 12345678 Yes
province string, 1-200 Customer Bank located within a country Bali No
city string, 1-200 Customer Bank located city Denpasar No


In order to simplify the Payout integration process and decrease development works at Merchant’s side it is possible to send method=1300 value ,Payout Bank Transfer (split all currencies, Payzoff checkout page) in the request. In this case Merchant is allowed to send general data request information only. All other details will be requested from the payer at hosted checkout page.

2. Payout Response

From: Merchant

To: Payzoff

2.1. Response for Payout Request

If FSP supports immediate execution protocol, Payzoff will send the following response in JSON format:

Variable Format Description Example value
status alphanumeric, space & underscore; 32 Payzoff API response status ok
response_code numeric; 1-60 Payzoff API response status code 0
result Array Array of variables ‘payout_status’, ‘tran_status_code’, ‘transaction_id’ and optional ‘callback’.
payout_status alphabetic with space, 1-64 Current status of the payout start
tran_status_code numeric, 1-10 Transaction status code (See Appendix 3) 3
callback numeric, 1 Callback = 1 if the status of the Payout is “start”, and final status will be sent by Payzoff in POST request (see POST parameters in paragraph V 2.2. ). In other cases this variable WILL BE OMITED. 1
transaction_id alphanumeric, 1-64 Payzoff transaction ID 1234567898




"response_code" :


, "result": {







2.2. Response for Payout Bank Transfer method Request

In case Merchant sent payout request with method =1300, Payzoff will answer with the following response in JSON format

Merchant will receive further POST message to the result_url address after the Payout will be confirmed at the Checkout page. All fields are similar to those mentioned in paragraph V. 2.1. of this Manual except the format and ‘result’ array(it will be omitted):


{ "status":


, "response_code":


, "result": {
















2.3. POST message on Payout results

If FSP doesn’t support immediate execution protocol for payouts, Payzoff will inform the Merchant with final status of the pay-out with POST message:

Variable Format Description Example value
transaction_id alphanumeric, 1-64 Payzoff transaction ID 1234567898
payout_status alphabetic, 2-254 Payout transaction status success
tran_status_code numeric,1-10 Transaction status code (See Appendix 3) 12
amount decimal, 3-20 Amount 1.56
currency alphabetic; 3 Transaction currency in ISO4217

2.4. Merchant Payout results POST Response

From: Merchant

To: Payzoff

Merchant should confirm the receipt of the Payout results POST message by outputting the string “OK” to the output buffer as a response to the Payzoff request, otherwise Payzoff will use another 3 tries to repeatedly sent POST Results POST Message until it will be received. Merchant will be informed using other communication channels if any Results POST Response were missed after all 4 POST messages were sent.


1. Request Data

Here are the parameters for the refund request.

Variable Description Example/Value Default Required
api_key Payzoff API key, obtained in the member's profile D78CD7DAF172B2F1 B55E19D9DDCE6514 Yes
action Transaction action refund Yes
amount For partial refund send necessary amount. Amount must be equal or less then original transaction amount. 12.23 Parent transaction's amount. Refund will be done in the currency of the parent transaction Yes
payzoff_transaction_id Payzoff's transaction ID 123433434 Yes
signature md5 hash: api_key + transaction amount + transaction currency + payzoff_transaction_id + signature_key (signature_key is obtained in the member's profile) Pay attention, signature differs from the payment signature! Yes

2. Refund Response

You will get response in JSON format, ex:









, "ref_id":


If refund_status is "success" then refund is successful, otherwise fail.

Status Check

You can check status of the payment for any transaction happen via API.


This method is mandatory to use for outgoing transactions, if Merchant hasn’t received Payzoff Response or Response doesn’t much criteria of this Manual.

1. Method get_tx_status

Variable Format Description Example value Required
api_key alphanumeric, space & underscore; 32 Payzoff API key, obtained in the member's profile D78CD7DAF172B2F1B55E19 D9DDCE6514 Yes
action alphabetic space & underscore; 1-60 Transaction action get_tx_status Yes
transaction_id alphanumeric, 1-64 Merchant transaction ID 1234567898 Yes

You will get response in JSON format, ex:



Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded









2. Method get_tx_status response

Variable Format Description Example value
status alphanumeric, space & underscore; 32 Payzoff API response status fail
response_code numeric; 1-60 Payzoff API response status code 0
transaction_id alphanumeric, 1-64 Payzoff transaction ID 1234567898
seller_transaction_id alphanumeric, 1-64 Merchant transaction ID
amount decimal; 3-20 Transaction amount. 3.64
currency alphabetic; 3 Transaction currency in ISO4217 USD
transaction_status alphabetic Transaction status Success
tran_status_code numeric Transaction status code (See Appendix 3) 12

Example response:






,"result {















Payment methods

Appendix 1 to Integration Manual. Payment methods

Method code Name Type Refund is possible Partial refund is available
1585 argencard incoming y n
1121 Astropay Card incoming n n
1124 Bancontact incoming y y
1115 Boleto Bancario incoming n n
1587 cencosud incoming y y
1001 Credit Card incoming y y
1082 EPS incoming y y
1085 Giropay incoming y y
1088 Мultibanco incoming n n
1079 MyBank incoming y n
1091 naranja incoming y y
1588 nativa incoming y y
1590 pagofacil incoming y y
1118 Paysafecard incoming n n
1097 Przelewy24 incoming y y
1592 Rapipago incoming y y
1106 SafetyPay incoming y y
1593 Santander incoming y y
1076 Sofort incoming y y
1109 TrustPay incoming n n
1112 Verkkopankki incoming n n
1201 MYR MBB Maybank Berhad incoming n n
1202 MYR PBB Public Bank Berhad incoming n n
1203 MYR CIMB CIMB Bank Berhad incoming n n
1204 MYR HLB Hong Leong Bank Berhad incoming n n
1205 MYR RHB RHB Banking Group incoming n n
1206 MYR AMB AmBank Group incoming n n
1207 MYR BIMB Bank Islam Malaysia incoming n n
1208 THB KKR Karsikorn Bank (K-Bank) incoming n n
1209 THB BBL Bangkok Bank incoming n n
1210 THB SCB Siam Commercial Bank incoming n n
1211 THB KTB Krung Thai Bank incoming n n
1212 THB BOA Bank of Ayudhya (Krungsri) incoming n n
1213 THB GSB Government Savings Bank incoming n n
1214 THB TMB TMB Bank Public Company Limited incoming n n
1215 THB CIMBT CIMB Thai incoming n n
1216 THB KNK Kiatnakin Bank incoming n n
1217 VND TCB Techcombank incoming n n
1218 VND SACOM Sacombank incoming n n
1219 VND VCB Vietcombank incoming n n
1220 VND ACB Asia Commercial Bank incoming n n
1221 VND DAB DongA Bank incoming n n
1222 VND VTB Vietinbank incoming n n
1223 VND BIDV Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam incoming n n
1224 VND EXIM Eximbank Vietnam incoming n n
1225 IDR BCA Bank Central Asia incoming n n
1226 IDR BNI Bank Negara Indonesia incoming n n
1227 IDR BRI Bank Rakyat Indonesia incoming n n
1228 IDR MDR Mandiri Bank incoming n n
1229 IDR CIMBN CIMB Niaga incoming n n
1230 PHP BDO Banco de Oro incoming n n
1231 PHP MTB MetroBank incoming n n
1580 SEPA Payout incoming n n
1581 P24 Payout incoming n n
1300 Payout Bank Transfer (split all currencies, Payzoff checkout page) incoming n n
1301 MYR Affin Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1302 MYR Alliance Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1303 MYR AM Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1304 MYR Bank Of China PAYOUT incoming n n
1305 MYR Bank Simpanan National PAYOUT incoming n n
1306 MYR CIMB Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1307 MYR Citi bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1308 MYR Hong Leong Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1309 MYR HSBC Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1310 MYR Maybank PAYOUT incoming n n
1311 MYR OCBC Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1312 MYR Public Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1314 MYR RHB Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1315 MYR UOB Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1316 MYR Standard Chartered Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1317 MYR Bank Islam Malaysia PAYOUT incoming n n
1318 MYR Bank Simpanan National PAYOUT incoming n n
1319 THB Bangkok Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1320 THB Bank Of Ayudhya PAYOUT incoming n n
1321 THB Government Savings Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1322 THB KasiKorn Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
133 THB KTB Net Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1334 THB Siam Commercial Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1335 THB TMB Bank Public Company Limited PAYOUT incoming n n
1336 THB CIMB Thai PAYOUT incoming n n
1377 THB Kiatnakin Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1338 VND Asia Commercial Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1339 VND DongA Joint Stock Commercial Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1340 VND Sacom Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1341 VND Techcom Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1342 VND Vietcom Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1343 VND Vietin Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1344 VND Eximbank Vietnam PAYOUT incoming n n
1345 VND Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam PAYOUT incoming n n
1346 VND SAIGON Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1347 VND Vietnam International Bank PAYOUT incoming n n
1348 VND Agribank PAYOUT incoming n n
1349 IDR Bank Central Asia PAYOUT incoming n n
1350 IDR Bank Negara Indonesia PAYOUT incoming n n
1351 IDR Bank Mandiri PAYOUT incoming n n
1352 IDR Bank Rakyat Indonesia PAYOUT incoming n n
1353 IDR CIMB Niaga PAYOUT incoming n n
1354 PHP Banco De Oro PAYOUT incoming n n
1355 PHP MetroBank PAYOUT incoming n n

Response codes to requesting API

Appendix 2 to Integration Manual. Response codes to requesting API

Response Code Description
0 No error, request successful
1 Empty API key. You may obtain it in you Profile
2 API key is invalid. Make sure you put correct API key
3 You are not authorized to perform this action
4 We require transaction amount
5 You are only allowed to perform your request via SSL
6 We require seller transaction ID
7 We already got transaction with current transaction ID
8 We require to set return_url, result_url and fail_url
9 We require Action value
10 Signature is wrong. Make sure you generate it correct
11 We require Currency code value
12 Payment is successfully finished

Transaction status codes

Appendix 3 to Integration Manual. Transaction status codes

Status Code Title Description
3 Start Transaction initiated and waiting for payment
6 Aborted Cancelled by Customer
7 Expired Transaction expired due to Customer inactivity
12 Success Transaction completed successfully
15 Refund complete Refund completed successfully
18 Refund start Refund process initiated
21 Refund fail Refund failed
24 Fail other reason No specific reason was assigned. See error message field
26 Declined by customer’s bank Transaction was declined by Customer’s bank
27 Failed after success Provider changed status of the transaction after it it had been successful previously